No Forced Marriage! Like any human being, you have the right to make your own decision, if or who you wish to marry.

We will inform and support you, if you are, or could be a victim of forced marriage.

There are many ways that women can lead their lives. Our aim is to empower girls, young women and also young men (more information for boys and men here.) who find themselves threatened with forced marriage, to follow their own path in life.


You can contact us by telephone, online or face-to-face. The advice is free-of-charge, totally confidential and, if you wish, anonymous.

Forced marriage is always a violation of your personal rights. Love and marriage have nothing to do with forced marriage.

We offer information in German, Turkish, French,  Arabic, Kurdish and Albanian.


Zorla evliliğe hayır - Biz seni destekliyoruz! Her insanın olduğu gibi, senin de kiminle evleneceğine serbest karar verme hakkın var.

No Forced Marriage – We will support You! Like any human being you have the right to make your own decision, whom you wish to marry.

Non au Mariage Force - Nous vous soutenons! Comme tout etre humain tu aussi le droit de décider, si et avec qui tu veux te marier!

Ji zewaca bi zorê re na – em ji bo te alîkarin! Weke her merovî mafê te heye, ku tu bi ser xwe qerar bide, ku tu dixwaze bi kîjan mirovî re bi zewice.

Përgjigje me “jo” martesës së detyruar – ne të përkrahim ty! Si çdo njeri edhe ti ke të drejtën tënde, që me vullnetin tënd të vendosësh, se me cilin do të martohesh.

.لا للزواج بالإكراه - نحن نساندك! - لكِ أيضاً مثل كل البشر حق الاختيار بحرية، بمَنْ تريدين أن تتزوجين

         بدون ازدواج اجباری - ما از شماحمایت خواهیم کرد! مانند هر انسانی ،شما حق دارید تصمیم بگیرید که می خواهید با چه کسی ازدواج کنید.


The website is part of the „Fachberatungsstelle gegen Zwangsheirat“ service, provided by Mädchenhaus Bielefeld e. V. and financed by Ministerium für Kinder, Jungend, Familie, Gleichstellung, Flucht und Integration des Landes NRW.